Monday, August 25, 2008


Curiosity kills.

Heyyyy people. I screw my BM trial. =D

ooh wait. im NOT supposed to smile, but i cant help it.

So far my trials? Sejarah - C! BM - freakin freakin C! Science - C!

Heyy look everybody - im the freakin C-taker! =D


Yes, i know ive FLIPPED.

If i dont get a B soon, im gonna MAKE MYSELF go to HELL.

Now? Im the C-taker. The freakin C-taker! =_________=

Urggh. Anyways. Genting turns out to be FUN - without going outdoors. Cant go out to play, raining. So i went to arcade with my bro. He played the Wangan Midnight and took the king place in 2 diff place - proud of eeu! But dad is NOT. xD.. I think he took all 5 king's place in Mid Valley. Im not sure, maybe someone beat him? xD..


Lots of people saw the race between the ghost of the previous king and my bro. The king is my bro's friend, so he called him - HE APPROVED! xD.. So my bro sapu oso lahh.

Some Bagladesh dude came up and point at my bro and say to his friend - "Driver! Driver! Good driver!"

me n bro : " O_O... WTFBBQ! "

when we got out of the toilet, the uncle put his thumb up to my bro. I was like, WTF? Uncle oso saw? O_o..

and when me n bro bought Starbucks and left, we walked around. We saw some chinese dude complaining the BasketRobbins ice-cream is too sweet and they wun pay for it. My bro was like, WTF? He laughed when the police dont know what the crap he was saying cause the police officer is a malay! xD

bahhhhh anyways. Guess what? Im getting blind! =D

. . . pretend u didnt see that.

- x . t e d . x -

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