Tuesday, August 12, 2008


呜.. 我的手.. T__T.. 给那死 Swee Pheng 拉得很痛.. 怎样都好, 不会原谅! >.<..

不会!! >.<..

歌曲总写到一半了.. *开心!*

对了, 那歌曲改名了. 是 "错误" ! ^^..

Hehe, finally back to English! x3..

Well, honestly. I screwed Sejarah, BM and English badly. Nvm lahh, PMR good then can edi, no need to worry percubaan de lahh. x3

I got alot of things to say. But, dont think it is the best time. Will talk bout it soon.

" 认识你是我人生中最大的错误!! 死大色狼! xD.. " >.<..

- x . t e d . x -

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