Monday, September 15, 2008


PMR - coming to bite our heads off. Surprisingly, i wasnt panickin'. I should be, but i just simply cant. 28 days, people. Im working already, alright. Im working smart. So you see me bloggin. SMART-ASS, we are. ;D

Emo time? GO AWAY *slaps the emo part away*

Whacky time? WELCOME. *hugs them, as if its cash*


These days im VERY 'attached' to cash. Dont they just look beautiful to you guys? I mean, its just so pretty and cashy.. ;D

Sorry. Out of control. Will fix that. ;D

They are still considering whether to change Maths and Science into BM. To be honest, i really prefer English. Most students still cant speak good English. I mean, it is a chance for students to really get hold of English. Besides, English IS the largest vocabulary in this world. We NEED English to survive during the highs and lows around here.

And i find it funny. After a few years, change to English cause they think English is important. The next thing you know, HEY lets change it to BM cause its important for Malaysians to improve the main language of the country.




While PMR is so darn near, im already invited to an after-PMR-straight-away-cabut-outing. Fast, eh? xD..

I wonder how will i feel after PMR. I can shout like shit and hug Jo Yi till she is in pieces. ;D.. I got unlimited outing from morning till the NEXT morning. This will be AWESOME. NOT GONNA GO HOME!! xD

Old bean is great. He says after my PMR, i can go out - unlimited access. Im so surprised by my old bean that i had to ask him for thousands of time before he snaps. xD..

Even thought PMR is VERY NEAR, but i WONT STOP having fun, while studying. That, my friends, is called studying smart. No, i didnt think this up. Its from one of my friends. ;D

Alright. Good night, dearies. MUAHH.

- x . m o n g . x -


Brian Barker said...

I am sorry but English is not the international language. And it will not happen due to accusations of linguistic imperialism.

might be the way forward

- t e d d y - said...

hmm.. okay. =]