Saturday, August 9, 2008

driving = awesome!

School. FRIDAY = wheepee! MONDAY TRIAL STARTS = whacked!

Skipped tuition cause i want to study. After dinner, dad and i went for a driving lesson around neighbourhood. Father to daughter. xD..

Teached me to reverse, park and all. Did some mistakes, but i think ive done it okay. Whee i didnt crash, counted as good lahh right? And i cant really see while i was reversing, cause im SHORT. *grins*

But i love being short! xD

After parking infront of the house, dad suddenly says : "Ok. Enough." I love driving and i hugged the steering wheel. xD.. Dad : " =.=.. NEXT WEEK."

WOOTS. xP.. The good thing is that i have a manual car. I can call me dad to teach me! Awesome~

At midnight, me n bro went out yam cha. I really love going out during midnight. Its awesome. Sometimes we even can meet some of his friends. We were talking bout the Joker and stuff. And oh yeahh. Max Payne movie is gonna come out! xD.. Few years back, watching my bro playing it. Was okay lahh. The dude who play Max was the dude from The Italian Job. I was like, WHAT? xD..

Anyways. We are talkin bout Elmo. Ya know? The cute cute red dude from Sesame Street? xD.. My neice LOVE elmo. While we are talking bout it, in the car my bro was like, " *elmo's voice* - Come on kids! Lets learn something today! Say w-t-f! Yes, kids! WTF [FULL words]!

I was stunned for seconds, looking at my bro. And both of us started to laugh and laugh. xD.. YES, it is rude to insult the adorable elmo, but its just too funny. xP.. IM SORRY, CUTIE ELMO!

Ohh yeah. Beijing Olympics 2008 kick starts today! Saw the opening ceremony. i was absolutely AMAZED. Its soo beautiful! <3.. Its VERY beautiful. =]

Alright, i got to go.. Gotta study for PMR trials! =D

good luck to each and everyone!

- x . t e d . x -

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