Went up to Genting on 17th Nov. Me, Jo Yi and Celine ride on Jo Yi's car, to the Imbi bas station. Had a drink with JY's parents, then Joey and Vince arrived. Sooo we just jumped into the bas. Had alittle problems with the seating, LOL. But whatever, right? So we arrived at this cable car place. Celine suddenly shouted. xD!! She said she saw someone who looks like Wang Zi? Taiwanese leng zai or something like that lahh, LOL. My heart belongs to McYummy~ ;D
In the cable car, we are talking bout random stuff and laughing. LOL, we're hunting for tigers. xD
We're insane. =]
We went to the theme park and play. Took pictures and stuff, explore around. Its fun n insane. But kinda kesian Vince, LOL. 5 people went, sooooo one of us had to be left out on two seat rides. ;D
Stay at the Theme Park Hotel, which is quite far. Me n Celine drool when we see wine in the nice restaurant, LOL. They have to drag us out. ;D
At the end, Jo Yi left. And it was just 4 of us. I thought im gonna be, wah, very energetic and playing Uno and crapping all night. Yeah rightttttttt. Once they put on the horror movie, me n Celine alredi went up to the bed and sleep. ;D!
I was sleeping very peacefully. Suddenly. DEN DEN!! The horror movie sound effects kept me awake for awhile, then i went back to sleep. For a few times. =.=
At the next morning, i woke up at 7am. Went to the toilet with BLUR written on my face. Then i dragged myself to the bed again, but i just knew that i cant sleep anymore. But i close my eyes anyway. After watching movie and all, we went down to eat breakfast. Then archery and rock climbing. Me got no money, boohoo. BUT I MUST GO FOR ARCHERY AND ROCK CLIMBING NEXT TIME, cause it looked soo freaking extreme and awesome! =D
Yeah, adventure orang here. =)
The next day we balik. boohoo? x)
here are the pics.

'On our way! Celine n JY!'
'spinnin'! Me, JY n Celine. ;D..'
'ding dong! Me, JY n Celine. ^^..'

'cute tak? x)...'
'Celine n Me! LOL.'

'me love "si-do-beh-lei"! Speak in canto, please. ;)..'

'wakaka wtf~ Giant books! x3...'
'My banana piie dear Joey, me, Celine n JY!'
'keke JY n me.'
'Celine n JY! x)...'

'Cantik! x3~...'
'TICK TOCK! LOL, we are DoD group! =)...'
'Random.. xD..'

'wahaha wacked frog!'
'I did make a wish n throw the coin inside, LOL. x)...'

'Nice~ =)..'
'We rock! xD... Vince n Joey~'
'LOL, us again~'
'me n Celine on the bridge! x)...'
'taadaa! =3...'
'love my wacky buddies!! x3...'
Okayyy its late, plus bro is gonna play Call Of Duty soon anyway. NIGHTS!
'Signing off - with a peace!'
- [[Mongz]] -
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