Today is the last paper for PMR, Geografi test. Right after that, JAPANESE PEOPLE CAME! a sum of 300 Japanese students are here! ;D... I didnt get a Jap buddy because i was pretty late. So~ I just lepak around and join buddies Jo Yi and Vince to hang around at the stage to play congkak with the Jap students. Seriously, they are GOOD. ;D... We teach 2 guys to play the congkak, then we join a very nice Jap teacher to learn origami! SOO NICE! ^^..
I turn around to check on the 2 guys, there are already guys swarming around them. I was like, LOL?! xD..
Soon, Salwa announced that it is lunch time. So we decided to join in anyway. I didnt see Celine and Joey for the day since morning. When we are about to leave, they bought their cutest Jap buddies! ^^... Their name is Ikumi and Kaede! Nice and sweet people! xD.. We squeeze into the canteen and finally get to take a sit. I think we are one of the few groups who laugh and chat so loud along with the cute Japs. xD..
I dont want to take food cause the queue is scary. So i just took a chinese desert or some sort. After chatting for awhile, Kaede finally said something that make us laugh for minutes - she point at my desert : [Jap accent] you diet?
All of us are laughing our heads off! xD
Soon, they went to change clothes cause they are going to KLCC for shopping! Later on, we went back to the Hall of Character, for the Jap students and Surians performance. Once we are going in, I saw Yi Ting. She came and say : Wahh merdeka already lah?! xD.."
I was like : "ohh yeah! MERDEKA! xD~"
After all of us settle in, Jap students perform 1st. Wow, their dance is funky and nice! I love the third one, the three girls dancing FUNKY! It make me go "holy omg wth bbq!" xD.. Azirah was like : "WHOAAAAA." So cute lahh. xD.. After the Surians perform, its time to go to KLCC for the Japs!
Ohh yeah. forgot one thing : we decided to go KLCC and find Ikumi and Kaede~ xD.. We told them while the performances were about to start, they go "EHH?! *laughs!*" xD.. SO CUTE!
I called mom and dad. They say YES! Jo Yi and Vince cant go! =(... So at the end, its just me Celine and Joey went to KLCC! We went there by riding in Celine's car. Her driver is soo nice! ^^... While we arrive, its soo weird! Cause some Jap spotted us! xD.. Veli "K" ehhh! xD.. Unfortunately, we cant find her! =(
It took us 30 minutes to freak out.
"Wooi, i thought this is easy.. -..-~"
"As if im not.. Im tired lahh wehh.. Mana mereka.. T__T~"
"Dont say soo much lah. Spot them lah. -__-|||.."
While we are about to give up - there they are! IN FRONT OF US! xD..
They are wearing jackets! No wonder we cant spot their yellow shirt, LOL. xD..
We bought them shopping and such, with their other 2 friends. A photographer from their school saw us and told us to take pictures! ^^.. So we went souvenir hunting for them and such, but i dont think anything seems to caught their eye, except the cute store which sells funky pens. After they bought their stuff, Celine came out with a idea! We set half an hour to buy each other souvenirs, and be back at a place! Its kinda a game actually. Ikumi and Kaede are excited haha.
So we kinda rush to buy stuff. We spotted a shop called Next G. So we just stop by and bought Ikumi, Kaede and their two other friends necklace and braclets. They arrived earlier than us!! xD.. THEY WON! Hehehes. ;P..
After exchanging the gifts, Celine had to go back. =(.. So after she went back, me and Joey bought them to a chocolate shop! They buy alot! xD.. I saw a cute chocolate gift laying around, so me n joey had a idea that we buy that for them, so we bought it and hide it in my bag, LOL? xD.. After they bought it, we surprised them by bringing out the choco gift and tell her that its for them. They went shocked and "EHH?! EHH, ARIGATO!! ^^"
Some of their friends spotted us, then Ikumi and Kaede mumble something in Japanese to them. They go "Ehh~! Sugoyi!" or something like that. So cute! xD
After some shopping, they say that they want to eat. Actually i was hungry like hell. xD.. Once they mentioned hungry, i was like ooh yeah. Im hungry. xD... We went to the food court and show them some mum-mum! ^^... They walked around and saw the chicken rice shop, and they want it. So after ordering all our food, we start to eat together. I gave them some of my fish and chips, Joey gave them some of her Nasi Lemak. They kept on saying saying "Oishi!" and "Sugoyi!", haha. Japs cant really eat spicy, i think. Alittle bit of the rendang, they say hot. xD.. SO CUTE! While eating, so ngam the photographer came by again! xD.. We took another pic together! ^^
After eating, we went to the fountain outside the KLCC. We took some pictures and such! They are such nice and sweet gals! ^^
After that, it was almost time for them to go, so we bought them to eat ice cream. They like it ALOT! xD..
After that, it was time to say BYE! I miss them lah! T__T~ She wanted my email and home address. She say she want to send me all the photos by snail mail! ^^.. SWEET!
Right after they left, i already missed them! T__T~... Later me and Joey say goodbyes and wait for my bro at the Isetan exit near the fountain. I saw my bro's car, and saw somebody sitting beside him. Later.. Kenji pointing at me. I went : =..=~
"Why are you pointing at me?! =.=||"
"Your brother ask me where are you mah! Point aje lahh!"
While dropping Kenji, apparently HE dropped his phone. LOL. xD.. After my bro da bao KFC, we went home.
SIGHH! BEST DAY SO FAR! Serious! ^^... Its really a tiring but fruitful day! ^^
We will never forget you Ikumi and Kaede! Miss ya! ^^
'beautiful morning! ^^..'
'let the activities begin! =)..'
'Jap guys playing Congkak! ^^'
'Jap guys learning Malay dance - cute! xD..'
'ORIGAMI!! ^^..'
'Celine's meeting souvenir! ^^.. I LOVE DORAEMON!'
'me and Kaede!! =3...'
'Ikumi and Joey!! x3...'
'Ikumi and Kaede give me de braclet oorhx! Even though simple, but its simply priceless! ^^...'
'And this little card too! ^^~!'
'im very touched when i saw this! T__T~'
'Tresure it! Priceless! ^^..'
THANK YOU IKUMI AND KAEDE! We will never forget you ooh! =]
- x . m o n g . x -
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