Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Just watched High School Musical 3 on Monday with my brother's girlfriend Angel and he himself. My brother blame me n Angel for wasting his time, LOL. He doesnt dig these type of movies, so he just slept away.

I visited the Yahoo! Movie review from Yahoo! Users. I really feel funny bout the ratings, few of them is either full Fs or full A+s. Number 1 rule in rating movies - if you seriously dont like the movie, dont even think bout putting full Fs, or give a rating at all! It just makes you look er, cranky. Full Fs rating is suppost to give to the movie that is 100% sucky, opinion from EACH AND EVERYONE. HSM 3? Nahh i dont think so. Heyy, the box office hits is even higher than Saw V.

Full As? If that movie is REALLY that good to get full As of rating, should get Emmy Awards, praises and ratings from pros that shoots to the Sun, dont cha' think so? LOL.

But personally, i think this movie is okay. The choreography is very good. Compare from HSM 1 to HSM 3, Zac Afron's acting is definately improving. He seems more and more confident infront of the camera, more natural more relax. The song is catchy, good. But to say that this is a movie for all ages, i myself cant assure bout that.

If you love sunshine lovey-dovey teen love and the faces that shows 'everything will be good and fine' faces, you really should grab your friends and watch this. ;)

Im not so sure bout the story. Its kinda.. weird. At the end, each and everyone will get to choose everything they wanted [as usual]! YAY! O__o..

Most people may find the story of the movie good, but Im dont think so.

Aaah, yes. The acting. As i said, Zac Afron's acting is getting better and better. There were a few parts that the director wanted to make it funny, but unfortunately, it didnt work. I know the direction is suppose to be funny, but it just doesnt make us laugh. It just makes us go, OH, is that suppose to be funny?


Im just gonna give a B-.


Gah, emergency in Hong Kong. This is so wrong. I was supposed to go back to Lai Meng.. Now its ruin, WHEEPEE. =]

Gonna leave at 8.30am tomorrow. Kisses.

- x . m o n g . x -

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