Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well. I was at Genting and KLCC last Sunday. But nevermind that.

Right now? No more crappin around. Ive wasted enough time with bullshit and crap. Just to deal something took me months. No, i wont allow that to happen anymore. Time to click the eject button and move on.

YES. The S word. Kills me. But i aint got no choice. There are some times where i have to give up something just to gain something else. Ya know what i mean? Which is more important. Ive got to work. Ive got to stay focus. Ive got to lose anything that is in my way. YES, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.

I found my weakness and my bad characteristics for the past months. And im dealing with it. I am working on it, seriously. But now is not the time. I need to handle what i am about to face now, I will deal the personality problems later.

And here i wish everybody good luck in life. See ya next month.

Cause its about to get messy.

freakin off,

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