Friday, August 29, 2008



i was conned. xD

Finally i found someone who faces the same thing im going through here. Whatever she says bout what she faces, its EXACTLY same as mine. Ngam-nya. After school, i think i went for the emotional breakdown, or something. I laughed, then i went moody. Then i cant stop laughin over a stupid thing. When i went moody again, i was like a mad woman who drank a dozens of beer, and started to express myself towards Jo Yi.

LOLS, she was soo scared that i would cry instantly. xD

And ooh yeahh, i was like a mad woman, stressing bout choosing a banana and an apple while i was talking to Pheng.

Its mad.

Im mad.

BOOHOO. Tomolo my cousin sis and her family are gonna go back Kedah.

Went to The Peak just now, around midnight i think. I just came back, anyways. It was FUN. xD..

Well, my results drop. WHEEPEE.

Ooooh yeah~ Dance on Merdeka Day 31st August.. Will post pictures after that. Promise. =]

Well, gtg.



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